Sunday, February 3, 2013


A little death in life.
The beauty of a glorious end.
The finality of strife
And allowance to mend.
A reminder I am just a man,
For the awe of this sight, I will miss.
I will hold onto it as long as I can,
Like that one last kiss,
Before the goodnight.
Those sweet lips tasted,
Kissed on the eyes by this light.
Stay with me, my beloved.
For I already mourn the loss of this sight.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Strife and War

Insanity, how you are a necessary component.

You isolate me from the pillars which lift me

As you try to juxtapose with your opponent.

And even though you demand, I will not take a knee.

Our fight will evidently be eternal.

My columns will always be at my side

On that plain that is internal

In which neither of us can hide.

You will never meet anything but my best,

As from you, I would expect nothing less.

So I know there will be no rest

From your assault that would leave me a mess.

Now and forever, we will continue

And for that, I will always thank you.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The mother of Rudy

Not like Atlas, no.
Others still need protecting from the anguish.
Conditioning eases the encumbrance but the weight is always there.
A dumping ground that receives all baggage but relinquishes none.
The weight of it preventing sunflowers but also squelching weeping willows.
Fertilizing the one and preventing the spread of itself.
And yet my savior from myself is out there.
The one that will save me from the field I have made home.
So that I may know that those I have fought to protect are safe.
Even if they never know what was kept at bay.
To collapse from relief into the arms of that savior is all I ask.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The mask of light

Nothing is certain, not anymore.
Time seems endless and yet rapid.
It is the uncertainty that drives the best of us.
The drama and fear keeps the race going.
For fear will force its way into a fragile mind.
It will confound and crack it.
The uncertainty will eventually overrun.
Nothing is clear, not ever.
Stains in glass cloud what's behind the surface.
The shining light does nothing to unveil the hidden.
Shadows and doubt are all that are truly visible.
The light just covers up the truth.
For if there was never any light.
All would be certain.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


The minutes on the digital clock in front of me seem to rarely change.
My shift ends soon, but does it really?
The minutes seem like years.
There's been so much chaos and uncertainty lately.
Nothing Makes Sense.
Maelstrom. Confusion. Frustration.
It's all too much.
But not really.
The turbulence is what really keeps me going.
But when will the chaos end?
When will the chaos consume me?
Will it consume me or will I be the one who consumes it?
"F" this maelstrom.
There hasn't been a solid rock in years.
When will my shift be over?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Was it a mistake?

I just can’t believe This.
I can’t even remember anymore, the way it was.
It’s just so strange. Never
did I imagine it would happen the way
it went last night. I
would like to imagine it was planned.
Maybe it’s better to let it be sporadic and Not
let it spin out of control. This is my
love after all. I just hope she knows my intention
was so dear. I
don’t mean to hurt, so I’ve got
to make things right. So
this is where I need to be brave.
We thought to much to drink
was just an expression. So with beer in hand
we lost
our simple friendship. It was probably my
doing. We had both lacked discretion
either way. It's
just not
that simple. What
if last night didn’t turn out like it did? I'm
so used to
us just being friends, but is it just?
To just wanna
have her like I did, on top of the friendship? I try
to hide my feelings but now that seems wasted. You
silly boy, what were you thinking? You need to be on
the next train out of this room. I'm
stuck here though. Something holds me here. Maybe I’m curious
about what she thinks. I hope she’s not thinking I used her. She’s waking. “For
I am no False Dimitri. I will forever be true to you.”
But I should leave before I get caught.
Go ahead girl, you have my attention.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A short story I wrote after walking to work one day.

I was walking past a Methodist church and there were these two elderly people standing out front of the building. They were both looking at me in an almost entranced expression.

"I'm sorry but it's a nine o'clock assembly," the woman said.

I stopped about ten feet from them and looked at my watch. it was ten o'clock already. i don't know why I bothered because I'm not even Methodist. I'm non-practicing Catholic, so why would I even bother with these people?

"Yeah, we hope to see you at tomorrow's assembly," the man said.
I had no intention at all in going to their assembly but I thought I'd mess with them instead of just admitting I'm not Methodist to them.

"I don't know if I would be allowed in there." I said and nodded towards the church.

"Even those in sin can still attend assembly," the lady replied.

"Well, I'm not even of your religion and my gods would be very upset."

"I'm sorry. Did you say 'gods'?"

"Yeah, I'm pagan."

"Pagan? I thought that belief was dead," the man said.

"It will live as long as the Earth does," I said.

"Oh, well you know the Lord's way is the true way and it's not to late for you," the woman said.

"Do not try and convert me to your mockery religion!" I said as I took a step forward and clenched my fists to emphasize my statement. The woman was visibly startled by my outburst.

"I'm...I'm sorry I only meant to..."she started to say but I cut her off.

"Enough! I've had it with you!" I said. I then held my arm straight towards them with an open hand. My palm was facing them. I started to mumble gibberish that was a mix of German and Klingon from Star Trek. The two became very uncomfortable. I walked past them and they stared at me while I passed. I don't think they woman blinked once.

"What just happened?" I head the woman say when I was about thirty feet from them.

I turned around and said back to them plainly, "I wished you happiness for the rest of your lives."

I turned around and continued on my way. A smile found its way to my face as I walked.